I've been having so much fun imagining how we will decorate our basement once it's finished (and construction hasn't even begun yet...so I've got a lot of time to play around here!). We don't have much natural light down there...so we'll need to brighten it up with some bright creamy fabrics, glossy white woodwork, and a big brass chandelier. Oh...I can imagine myself down there now...curled up on the suede covered Henredon sofa under a cashmere throw sipping tea--wait---aren't suede and cashemre dry clean only? ....Yep...that's not going to cut it around this house! And, let's face it, as much as I love the picture above, it certainly isn't practical for a family with two small boys who believe bodily noises are hysterical (and a husband who agrees!). Our new family room will be all about movie watching and video game playing. It really should have padded walls, inflatable furniture, and a drain in the middle of the floor so that I can just hose things down when necessary.

Hellllllooooo Dr. Pitt!
(really, that's what it's called!)
Now this is what we need for our basement! I remember seeing these sectionals by
Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams years ago, but didn't have the need back then.
Yep....as far as my boys are concerned, this is all we need.
Well....maybe a 60" plasma screen tv for the PS3 and a fridge full of soda too!
Thanks for sharing the information on the Henredon leather sofa.